bussell mews, clapham

SME Developer x Architect Collaboration

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The document is intended to be used by applicants, Ebbsfleet Development Corporation’s planning team and the Ebbsfleet Design Forum to frame discussions around sustainability from the outset of a project. 

The document provides two key tools for applicants; 

  • Assessment tables provide a framework for defining and reporting on sustainable performance targets within a planning application. They have been developed to interpret local planning policy into clear performance levels that are consistent with national industry best practice, and to ensure delivery of quantifiable ambitions set out in Ebbsfleet’s Sustainable Framework. 

  • Simple and clear design guidance provided for key project types. This guidance is intended to provide a basic framework for demonstrating project sustainability performance within the application documentation. The guidance will also be used during pre-application meetings to ensure key design approaches and technologies have been tested and incorporated where appropriate into projects at the earliest opportunity.

The guide aligns local planning policy with EDC’s environmental ambitions and industry-defined best practice to provide a consistent methodology for assessing and reporting across Carbon, Water, Waste & Materials, Green infrastructure, Natural Environment and Health and Wellbeing. Project Typologies covered by the guide include: Residential, Schools & Community Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Public realm + Infrastructure.

The guide was issued out for public consultation on the digital engagment platform Commonplace throughout summer and autumn of 2024, with EDC Committee approval for adoption and implementation recieved in mid-October.